Conditions Traitées / Lombalgie facettaire

Facet Back Pain

Several symptoms such as a difficult or painful rotation of the pelvis, the need to round your back while walking to prevent pain, a difficulty or inability to run can be associated with facet back pain.

It’s the cause of 20% of all diagnoses of back pain. Only a specialized doctor can make a precise diagnosis of the type of back pain you may be suffering from and offer you the best treatment options, including treatments with permanent results offered at the L5-S1 private back medical clinic.

What Is Facet Back Pain?

It’s a condition caused by the inflammation of one or more facet joints of the back. Each vertebra has four facets, two of which allow it to articulate with the vertebra located at the top, while the two others with the vertebra located at the bottom. Simply put, facet joints provide flexibility for the back.

Our Solutions if You Suffer from Facet Back Pain


Cryodenervation Treatment

Cryodenervation is an innovative treatment that uses extreme cold to freeze and destroy the nerves that transmit pain from altered facets. It is THE best treatment currently available to treat lumbar or cervical facet syndrome. It has no side effects, is minimally invasive, effective, fast to administer and most of all PERMANENT, unlike other existing alternative treatments.

If at least one of the following statements describes you, you are a potential candidate for cryodenervation :

You have been diagnosed with facet syndrome or facet back pain
You have received a prescription for a rhizotomy or radiofrequency denervation
You had a facet block with more than 80% improvement in the first hour.


If none of the previous statements describes your situation, make an appointment for a diagnosis. Your condition will be evaluated by one of the best back specialists in North America, Dr. Jean-François Roy MD, FRCSC. He will take the time to discuss with you and you will get a diagnosis without delay. You will take control of your back health and quickly know the options available to you. Furthermore, you will have access to radiological exams and complementary treatments under the same roof, if necessary.